Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My controversial profile photo

Some readers who know me have expressed a degree of scepticism about the profile photo of myself on this page. Apparently I look implausibly handsome, tanned and healthy. Many claim that I do not look at all like this in real life. There have been mutterings of “false advertising” and grumblings about “rampant vanity”. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that the picture has been photoshopped.

Whilst I will concede that the photo in question is perhaps not the least flattering snap that exists of me, I vehemently reject the charge of photoshopping. But once rumours like this start, they quickly get out of control. Even by denying the charge I suspect I am already on the back foot, and fighting a futile battle against the rapid emergence of yet another urban myth.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking as one of your many female admirers, I can confirm that you are every bit as attractive in the flesh as you are in that photo
