Friday, February 13, 2009

Abolish Valentine’s Day

No holiday in human history has caused more misery and stress than Valentine’s Day (with the possible exception of Aztec feast days, when priests ripped the beating hearts out of hundreds of terrified captives).

Valentine’s day is an unpleasant day of the year for everyone. It’s an unpleasant day of the year for people who are going out with someone, as they have to set out for an overpriced dinner, and warily compare themselves to other couples in order to see who is most in love. Valentine’s day is also deeply unpleasant for single people. If you go out to a night-club on the weekend before Valentine’s Day, you will see crowds of single people desperately looking to score, so that they might just have a date on the awful day.

It’s common knowledge that Valentine’s day is yet another marketing scam - people get fleeced on flowers, cards and other crap. Now the anti-Valentine's Day movement has turned into a cliched marketing scam. If you want to spend some of your money on the anti-Valentine's Day marketing scam, go here.

Am I being a grumpy kill-joy about this? On the contrary, I firmly believe that Valentine’s Day makes people miserable, and that abolishing it would increase the sum of human joy and happiness. We should liberate ourselves from the tyrannical hold of this loathsome occasion.


  1. BB, you need to be careful. This is going to be your first Valentine's day as a married man. You need to set the tone with your wife, so that she'll know what to expect during the rest of your marriage at this time of year.

    My advice to you: don't be a miser, go and buy her some nice flowers, otherwise this time next year you'll be writing about how happy the valentines day's of your youth were when you had someone special to share it with.

  2. I completely agree with you. I hate Valentines day, and I would love to see it abolished. It's a pure waste of time.
