Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reader wants less political discussion

A READER WRITES: “I can’t help noticing that your blog has recently been less focused on providing advice to readers about how they can solve their personal problems. There has been less philosophy. Will you be returning to this or will you be sticking to politics?”
BB SAYS: You are quite correct – I have been temporarily distracted by the Furious Attack of the Raging Steynbots. But don’t worry - this site will eventually be able to return to its main purpose – using Philosophical Psychology to try and increase people’s happiness and well-being.

1 comment:

  1. As a mother of two young children with lives as busy as my own, I am constantly trying to do more than I can achieve. Sometimes with all of the multitasking, school runs, thank you notes and household responsibilities, not to mention my professional life, I feel like I am doing so many things, none of them as well as I could. My main priority, far and above anything else in my life, is my children, their happiness, stability, individualism and well-being. In your opinion, what are the most effective ways to be with one’s children? What is most important in terms of their emotional and mental development? Are there specific things we can do to help them grow up to reach their full potential?
