A READER WRITES: “You need to take off your social liberal filters and push away the blinders. Demographics aside, this isn’t about Muslim Hordes with Swords overrunning Europe. It is about cultural suicide in the guise of multiculturalism, the infantilizing welfare state, a sense of entitlement without a sense of liberty and self responsibility, and the cultural apathy of those who accept this. It's easy for a vigorous culture like Islam to simply override tired effete institutions in Europe and replace them with another. Open your eyes. Look at what's happening in Europe and in my country, Canada. You'll understand in a few years.”BB SAYS: You paint a frightening picture of the decline of Europe - its feeble defence of freedom, its sclerotic socialist economies, its low quality of life. Amidst all this despair and anguish, I feel obliged to try and strike a note of hope:
- According to the Economist’s Intelligence Unit’s quality-of-life index, of the top ten countries in the world with the highest quality of life, 9 are in Europe. (The other one is Australia).
- According to Reporters Without Borders, of the top 20 countries in the world with the freest press and media, 18 are in Europe (the other two are Canada and New Zealand).
- According to the UN’s Human Development Index, of the top 20 countries in the world with the highest level of human development, 15 are in Europe.
- According to the Economist’s Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index, of the 20 most democratic countries in the world, 15 are in Europe.
- According to Freedom House, every country in the European Union is classified as “Fully Free”.
- According to the IMF, the World Bank and the CIA, the European Union has the largest and wealthiest economy in the world – it has the highest GDP.
- According to the CIA, the European Union has by far the largest industrial output in the world (i.e. it makes more real stuff than anywhere else). It’s industrial output is 38% higher than that of the US, for example.
- According to the UN and the CIA, citizens of the European Union have a higher life-expectancy than citizens of the US.
- According to the UN’s Education Index, 17 of the top 25 best educated populations in the world are in Europe.
- Western Europe is the safest region to live in the world. For example, the murder rate in North America is 440% higher than the murder rate in Western and Central Europe.
- According to the Fortune Global 500, 170 of the largest companies in the world as measured by revenue, are located in the European Union (153 in the US)
According to Jared Diamond, the great American scientist writing in the New York Times, “Western Europe’s standard of living is higher than America’s by any reasonable criterion, including life expectancy, health, infant mortality, access to medical care, financial security after retirement, vacation time, quality of public schools and support for the arts”.
One is almost tempted to think that things are not actually that bad in Europe.
The sheer stupidity and ignorance of this stupid post is mind-boggling!! When is this Muslim bashing going to stop? Perhaps people should stop listening to this claptrap about an imminent and impending Muslim invasion of Europe or for that matter the world, which has clearly been lapped up by a surprisingly large amount of idiots throughout North America. Stop listening to this racially biased nonsense and start thinking for yourselves.