KATIE PRICE WRITES: “No matter how many boob jobs I have, I am still not satisfied with the way I look. It’s so difficult for me. What should I do?”BRIAN BARRINGTON, PHILOSOPHICAL COUNSELLOR TO THE STARS, REPLIES: On the question of looks – many of my readers have admitted that they are not happy about the way that they look, and that this is a significant source of anxiety and pain in their lives.
The first thing to note is this: nobody is happy with how they look. Everyone has “issues” with their appearance or their physique. So what you are feeling is perfectly normal.
Second, being good-looking does not mean you will have a happy life or happy relationships. Some of the most beautiful people I know are some of the most unhappy and the most lonely. Beauty is useless without wisdom.
Third, not being very good-looking is no bar to being happy or to having happy relationships. Some of the happiest people I know, who are in the best relationships, are not very good-looking. This is because they focus on more important things – such as kindness, wit, intelligence and trust. Studies show that when it comes to short-term relationships, people value looks as very important. But when it comes to long-term relationships, there are a lot of things that people believe are more important than looks. Think of the people you know in the happiest, most stable relationships. Are they all hunks and supermodels? Often they are not.
If you look half-way normal at all, then you will be fine. In fact, even if you look like a monster, it should not necessarily cause you too many insurmountable problems. The philosopher Socrates was known to be the ugliest man in Ancient Athens. And yet, according to Xenophon, he was also the happiest man in Ancient Athens. Being ugly can force you to develop other skills and assets. As Gore Vidal once observed: “Any weakness can be turned into a strength, by those who mean to prevail”.
Fourth, good looks are of limited use. Everyone gets old, and their looks fade. If you have not developed other skills and assets, then being good-looking is of no use to you. Eventually EVERYONE has to cope with not being very good-looking.
The media bombards us with images of good-looking people, who are apparently leading glamorous, happy lives. This helps us to forget the above facts, thereby creating terrible anxiety and unhappiness, most of which is unnecessary.
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