For many years now, I have been a fan of power-cycling as a means of aerobic exercise. A reader has sent in this podcast, finally vindicating my long-held stance on this issue:
Back in my power-cycling days I purchased an exercise bike for precisely this purpose. I would strip off naked, get up on the bike, and pant like a maniac for up to 30 seconds at a time. I repeated the process maybe three times a week. I was roundly ridiculed for this. But it is gratifying to see that health experts now agree that I was right all along. Power-cycling is as good as a 6 hour work-out, according to those who have researched this.
Do I still power-cycle? Unfortunately, my girlfriend moved in with me and I was informed that either the exercise bike had to go, or she would go. After much agonising, and a lengthy weighing up of the pros and the cons of letting her or the bike go, I finally capitulated and got rid of the bike. Do I regret that decision? Only mildly.
Go to 8:44 for an alternative power-workout.