Thursday, January 15, 2009

NEWSFLASH: Many female readers claim to have boyfriends who are jerks

In a post earlier today, a female reader of this site confessed that she suspects that her boyfriend is a “jerk”. Since then, floods of women have contacted me, saying that they also think that their boyfriends might be jerks. Why are women seemingly so attracted to jerks? One reader provided the below list of reasons. It might help women to understand why they are going out with jerks, or why they are attracted to jerks. The list also might offer tips to help single male readers become jerks, and thereby increase their success with women.

TEN Reasons Women Go Out With Jerks Instead of Nice Guys:

10) More fun to complain about them to your friends.

9) Guys who actually like you just aren't challenging or exciting.

8) When you do date nice guys, they turn into jerks anyway, so why not save time and go for the jerk in the first place?

7) You won't get as emotionally attached to a jerk, so you'll be more in control.

6) All the other women want them, so they must be worth having.

5) Affection means more when it comes from a guy who doesn't normally give it.

4) Guaranteed to cheat on you so someone else can endure his lack of lovemaking skills most of the time.

3) No need to feel guilty for abusing or deceiving them

2) Jerks will actually tell you when they don't like what you're doing instead of getting mad about it six months later.

1) Looking for someone you can't trust, and won't care about too much, but who will abuse you mentally and financially, but you don't know any lawyers?


  1. It is this kind of thing that makes me hate women. Their standards are ridiculous and makes me just want to give up trying. On the other hand, I could step it up a notch and become a jerk myself, getting crazy amounts of sex, and know deep down I'm not being myself. Looks like no matter what I do, it isn't worth trying.

  2. Anonymous, don't become too discouraged. The trick is to neither be too nice or too much of a jerk - the Golden Mean. It sounds like you are a nice guy, and in the long-term that actually counts for a lot - it means that when you do find a relationship that works it will probably last. Over time, as women grow up and become more mature, they start to become less impressed by jerks.

    In the meantime, if you just train yourself to become a little bit more of a jerk it could pay off. If you are too nice, other people can see that as weak, and it can allow people to take advantage of you - so if you are the kind of person who veers towards being too nice, it might be a good idea to become a little bit more of a jerk.
