Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reader has a problem

A READER WRITES: “I have a big problem that is making me anxious. How can I solve it?”
BB SAYS: Just because you have a problem, it does not mean there is a solution to the problem. Most of your problems have no solution.

If there is a solution then you probably know it already, but you are not doing it for some reason. If there is a solution to your problem then there is no need to worry about the problem, because it can be solved if you actually want it to be solved. Equally, if there is no solution to your problem then there is also no need to worry about the problem, since there is nothing you can do about it.

In most cases, the reason people have “problems” is because THEY WANT TO HAVE PROBLEMS, either because they are bored, or because they want attention. If this is the case, then cherish your “problem” – enjoy it and make the most of it!

Do YOU have a problem? Leave an anonymous comment, or send your problem in confidence to brianbarrington@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. it's a constant internal battle for me not to inflict physical bodily harm on my colleagues.
    if you could help me ignore these violent urges my life would be better and i would be happier. also, my colleagues would be safer.
    thanking you,
    your loyal reader
